This research aims at examining impact of group psychotherapy on stress coping styles in adolescences by transactional analysis approach. In order to meet research goals, one of the high schools of Masshad (Area number 5) Was selected. And 117 students (14-18 age) replied to Moos, R & Bilings, N'S coping styles questionnaire. Then, 48 students diagnosed emotional- focused coping were categorized and matched after interviewing in terms of age, average of educational marks, educational status, parents literacy and economic class. Afterwards, 20 students were choosed and randomly placed in control and experimental groups. Experimental group members. Participated in 12 sessinos of group psychotherapy with transactional analysis approach. After finishing these 12 sessions, members of control and experimental groups were post-tested by mentioned question naire, the main assumptions of present survey to be tested are: group psychotherapy with transactional analysis reduces emotion- focusedness and increases problem- orientedness of adolescences in coping with stress to test these assumptions, T-test was used mentioned method has had significant effect (p < 0/000) on decreasing emotion - focusedness and increasing problem-orientedness (p < 0/02_ of experimental group adolscences. Results incicate that most likely (%95), Mentioned method has influenced on adolescences' coping styles. Furthermore, this method has decrease emothing focusedness and has increased problem- orientedness in coping styles of adolescences.
Keywords: Transactional analysis. Group psychotherapy, stress coping styles, Adolescences.
farhangi, F. and aghamohamadian sherbaf, H. (2006). The Study of Impact of Group Psychotherapy on Stress Coping Styles in Adolescences Based on Transactional Analysis Approach. Foundations of Education, 07(2), -. doi: 10.22067/fe.v7i2.1867
farhangi, F. , and aghamohamadian sherbaf, H. . "The Study of Impact of Group Psychotherapy on Stress Coping Styles in Adolescences Based on Transactional Analysis Approach", Foundations of Education, 07, 2, 2006, -. doi: 10.22067/fe.v7i2.1867
farhangi, F., aghamohamadian sherbaf, H. (2006). 'The Study of Impact of Group Psychotherapy on Stress Coping Styles in Adolescences Based on Transactional Analysis Approach', Foundations of Education, 07(2), pp. -. doi: 10.22067/fe.v7i2.1867
F. farhangi and H. aghamohamadian sherbaf, "The Study of Impact of Group Psychotherapy on Stress Coping Styles in Adolescences Based on Transactional Analysis Approach," Foundations of Education, 07 2 (2006): -, doi: 10.22067/fe.v7i2.1867
farhangi, F., aghamohamadian sherbaf, H. The Study of Impact of Group Psychotherapy on Stress Coping Styles in Adolescences Based on Transactional Analysis Approach. Foundations of Education, 2006; 07(2): -. doi: 10.22067/fe.v7i2.1867
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