This study surveyed the research experience of graduate students at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and the factors influencing this experience. Information was gathered by means of a questionnaire developed based on PREQ questionnaire. The statistical population of this study consisted of those graduate students whose research proposal had been approved by the Educational Council of their faculty or had defended their dissertation between 23/09/2007 to 20/01/2008. By using a random sampling method 416 completed questionnaires were collected. The findings showed that there was a significant relationship between all of factors making up research experience and there are significant differences between general satisfactions of the students on their research experience. Factors such as sex, level of education, education field, scientific activity and different stages of research had positive and significant impact on the research experience of the respondents. Generally, the results of this study showed that among the graduate students of Ferdowsi University there was a relative satisfaction with factors making up the research experience.
Keywords: Research experience, Thesis writing, Graduate students, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Behzadi, H. and davarpanah, M. (2009). Factors Influencing the Research Experience of the Graduate Students at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Foundations of Education, 010(2), -. doi: 10.22067/fe.v10i2.2113
Behzadi, H. , and davarpanah, M. . "Factors Influencing the Research Experience of the Graduate Students at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad", Foundations of Education, 010, 2, 2009, -. doi: 10.22067/fe.v10i2.2113
Behzadi, H., davarpanah, M. (2009). 'Factors Influencing the Research Experience of the Graduate Students at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad', Foundations of Education, 010(2), pp. -. doi: 10.22067/fe.v10i2.2113
H. Behzadi and M. davarpanah, "Factors Influencing the Research Experience of the Graduate Students at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad," Foundations of Education, 010 2 (2009): -, doi: 10.22067/fe.v10i2.2113
Behzadi, H., davarpanah, M. Factors Influencing the Research Experience of the Graduate Students at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Foundations of Education, 2009; 010(2): -. doi: 10.22067/fe.v10i2.2113
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