Recognizing the Concept of Education in Allameh Tabatabai's Etebariat Theory

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Member/Islamic Research Foundation of Astane Quds Razavi

2 Department of Educational Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University. Tehran Iran.

3 Department of Philosophy of Social Sciences, Baqer al-Uloom University


The plurality of definitions for "education" in different societies and cultures is considered as a challenge to acquire a unique and shared understanding of education at the conceptual level. In this regard, in the "theory of Etebariat", Allameh Tabatabaie has provided a reasonable basis to elucidate the plurality of social agreements. In the present study, by extending his theory, we try to explain education as a post-social Etebariat. As a result, education is considered the outcome of perception of both talents and inabilities together, which relies on affection and compassion to assure the fellowmen's survival. To find a proper relation between the truth and Etebariat in theory, we distinguish between the four concepts: position, origin, reason, and effect of the Etebariat. Based on this distinction and a new configuration for the cancellation and non-cancellation of Etebariat, we explain the relation in the context of education. According to this analysis, based on observation of creational education and transformation of the creational necessity contained therein, education is a convention between autonomous people. Therefore education is a social convention for a process involving two or more people, which ensures acquiring or developing some virtues, and it is considered mutual, gradual, purposeful, and based on affection and compassion.


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