The study of conceptual model in curriculum field: criticize of researches have been done with model design approach in curriculum

Document Type : پژوهشی



Although with increasing interest of researchers and need for designing models especially desirable models in extent of curriculum, curriculum design system interfered with inattention to model concept (understand it, categorizing, modulating and etc). On the other hand, designed models are frequently without extending concept of the model, explaining used kind of the model and reasons of using them and generally just with expressing the properties of designed models. So in this paper, it has been tried to use analysis-attributive method, to pay attention to both subjects. Therefore, first we pay attention to recognize concept in education, beside explaining and describing models, outlining kinds of models in curriculum extent as it mentioned in specialized references. In next step, researches have been done with the model designing approach in curriculum extent with considering practical dimension, analyzed. Results suggested that good understanding of the model and attention in model designing research methodology in related studies should be considered.
Keywords: curriculum, models, design models, conceptual models