Marketization is one of the social phenomena that in recent years, under the influence of Neoliberalism, has had a great impact on various social fields, including education. The experiences of more than two decades of marketization in educational systems worldwide show that this phenomenon has profound effects on the fundamental fields of education such as anthropology. The purpose of the current research is to critically examine marketization in education and considering "students as consumers". To achieve this goal, the concept analysis method of concept structure evaluation has been used. In this direction, firstly, the theoretical foundations of marketization have been examined and then marketization in education has been discussed. The investigations show that marketization originates from anthropological foundations known as the "homo economicus" theory. This theory considers man as a self-interested and rational being who seeks to maximize utility in various social fields. Commercialization, commodification of knowledge, privatization, "student-as-consumer", modern public management (NPM), performance evaluation and quality assurance, standardization and competitiveness are important aspects of marketisation. The results of critical studies show that, contrary to the apparent slogan of developing free choice, marketization leads to an unequal power structure in educational systems, and through the development of a culture of inspection and investigation, it is considered a threat to the development of people's independence. The centrality of economic profit in the thinking of marketization reduces many educational goals to quantitative and formal results.
Mohammadi, H. (2024). A reflection on the Marketisation of education and the concept of "students as consumers". Foundations of Education, 14(1), -. doi: 10.22067/fedu.2025.89438.1364
Mohammadi, H. . "A reflection on the Marketisation of education and the concept of "students as consumers"", Foundations of Education, 14, 1, 2024, -. doi: 10.22067/fedu.2025.89438.1364
Mohammadi, H. (2024). 'A reflection on the Marketisation of education and the concept of "students as consumers"', Foundations of Education, 14(1), pp. -. doi: 10.22067/fedu.2025.89438.1364
H. Mohammadi, "A reflection on the Marketisation of education and the concept of "students as consumers"," Foundations of Education, 14 1 (2024): -, doi: 10.22067/fedu.2025.89438.1364
Mohammadi, H. A reflection on the Marketisation of education and the concept of "students as consumers". Foundations of Education, 2024; 14(1): -. doi: 10.22067/fedu.2025.89438.1364
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