Designing an Analytical Model of Effective Education Field in Iran Based on the Perspective Bourdieu's Genetic structuralism Approach

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Assistant Professor of Sociology Department, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran,

2 Department of Social Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad



The present research attempts to design an Education Field model of efficiency in Iran based on the Genetic structuralism approach. In order to achieve this goal, theories of education and development and education were examined and systematically reviewed by systematic review. Finally, based on the inferred characteristics, the Education Field model was designed. Based on this model, In terms of Hyper-field the field of education is, a field that coordinates with other fields and has a relative autonomy (especially from the field of power). In the inside the field, have a "distinct history" that history has influenced the formation of the logic of the field, its habits and the capital of its agents. The goal of the Education Field is to increase the Embodied cultural capital, and the institutional habitus of the social agents of the Education Field is also an educational habitus. "Teachers" and "students" are the main agents of the field of education. So that teachers in the field of production and students in the field of consumption are present and based on the habitus, capital and logic of the Education Field in order to reach the field goals, which is the same as Embodied cultural capital, compete.


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