The nature of teaching knowledge and teachers knowledge; compare the viewpoints of Lee Shulman and Gary Fenstermacher

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Tarbiat Modarres


The purpose of this study was to review and compare the views of two experts in the field of basic teaching knowledge and teachers knowledge, Lee Shulman and Gary Fenstermacher. Shulman forms of teaching knowledge include: propositional knowledge (subject), strategic knowledge and strategic knowledge. Shulman Basic knowledge of teaching and teachers knowledge, including classes, such as: Content knowledge, Pedagogical content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, curriculum knowledge, knowledge of learners and their characteristics, knowledge of educational status and knowledge about goals, purposes and values of education and historical context and philosophical views. Fenstermacher divided forms of teaching knowledge, knowledge of formal teaching and practical teaching knowledge. Fenstermacher raises good teaching and good teaching elements including logic operations, psychological operations and activities as ethical. Both influenced Schwab's ideas and both studied teachers knowledge of the practical and theoretical issues. But Fenstermacher is more emphasis on the practical knowledge of teachers and their work.


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